1.2 10.0.2での新しい特徴
What’s New in 10.1.2
以下の機能や拡張が、PC-BSD(R) 10.0.2で導入されました。
- 現在、PC-BSD(R)パッケージは、OpenSSLよりも脆弱性が少ないLibreSSLを使って、ビルドされています。
- デフォルトのNTPは、よりセキュリティ脆弱性の少ない、OpenNTPDに置き換えられました。
- Lumina は、バージョン 0.8.4-Release-P1 に更新されました。
- PersonaCrypt ユーザとしてログインする能力が追加されました。 これは、ユーザが、ホームディレクトリとして取り外し可能で暗号化されたデバイスを、ホームディレクトリにすることを可能とします。
- "ステルスセッション"としてログインする能力が追加されました。ステルスセッションは、暗号化されたzvolをログインセッションのための一時的なホームディレクトリとして作成します。ステルスセッションからユーザがログアウトした時に、一時的なホームディレクトリの内容とともにzvolは破棄されます。
- Torモードが追加されました。これは、Torプロジェクトの透過プロキシサービスを通して全てのインターネットトラフィックを自動的に転送することで、匿名でインターネットサイトにアクセスすることを可能とします。
- pc-webkitviewer コマンドラインユーティリティが、URLやローカルの.htmlファイルを見るために、追加されました。
The following features or enhancements were introduced for PC-BSD(R) 10.1.2:
- PC-BSD(R) packages are now built with LibreSSL which has fewer vulnerabilities than OpenSSL.
- OpenNTPD has replaced the default NTP as it has fewer security vulnerabilities.
- Lumina has been updated to 0.8.4-Release-P1.
- The ability to login as a PersonaCrypt user has been added. This allows a user to use a removable, encrypted device as their home directory.
- The ability to log into a “stealth session” has been added. A stealth session creates an encrypted zvol as a temporary home directory for that login session. When the user logs out of a stealth session, the zvol is destroyed, along with the contents of the temporary home directory.
- Tor Mode has been added, making it possible to anonymously access Internet sites as this mode automatically forwards all Internet traffic through the Tor Project’s transparent proxy service.
- The pc-webkitviewer command line utility has been added for viewing URLs or local .html files. A desktop shortcut to this utility is provided for displaying the HTML version of this Handbook. Run this command without any options to view its usage.
- The pc-pdfviewer command line utility has been added for viewing PDF files. It includes a presentation mode for displaying the PDF as a presentation. Press Esc to leave a presentation or press F11 to start or end a presentation. The arrow keys can be used to navigate the presentation and the Home and End keys can be used to skip to the first or last page of the PDF, whether or not it is in presentation mode. If printing is configured, this utility can be used to print or provide a print preview of the PDF.
- The source for the PC-BSD(R) documentation and its translations has been moved from the documentation wiki to the PC-BSD(R) github repository. This means that the the documentation and its translations can be built with the operating system and documentation updates can be installed using Update Manager.
- The zsh shell has been added to the base system and is available for setting as a user’s default shell in User Manager.
- Kodi and PlexHome Theater can be installed from the MediaCenter category of the System Selection Screen of the installer.
- The options in the Advanced Mode screen of the installer have been streamlined.
- The utility -> zimport menu of the text installer now lets you mount and access a specified boot environment in order to perform maintenance.
- The ability to create a PersonaCrypt user and to specify a UID has been added to the Create a User Screen.
- The ability to Configure Audio Output has been added as a post-installation configuration screen.
- The “Lock” and “Suspend” buttons have been added to the Lumina “Log Out” screen.
- A “Settings” menu has been added to the right-click menu of the Lumina desktop.
- The Lumina Configuration Utility has been reorganized.
- The Lumina Search and Lumina Xconfig utilities have been added.
- The new AppCafe(R), formerly called AppCafe(R) Remote, has replaced the old version of AppCafe(R).
- The View -> Vulnerabilities and View -> Base updates history have been added to Update Manager.
- An end-of-life notice has been added to the output of the pc-updatemanager command to assist the administrator in making upgrade decisions.
- To save clutter in the boot menu when multiple boot environments exist, only the default boot environment and a link to the “Boot Environment Menu” appear. Click the “Boot Environment Menu” entry to see the complete list of available boot entries. Figures 8.4b and 8.4c provide example screenshots.
- The “Allow Stealth Sessions” checkbox has been added to Control Panel -> Login Manager -> Misc.
- The “UID” selection field has been added to Control Panel -> User Manager -> Add User.
- PersonaCrypt devices can be intialized and managed from Control Panel -> User Manager -> Advanced Mode.
- Mount Tray will automatically detect ZFS-formatted removable drives, providing the ability to import or export the ZFS pools from those devices when prompted, just like any other removable device.
- If the system has multiple audio outputs, the PC-BSD Mixer Tray will also display an “Output” menu for quickly changing the default audio output device.
- The list-audiodev, usingtormode, setdefaultaudiodevice, and setscreenbrightness options have been added to pc-sysconfig.
- IPFW is now the default firewall as it provides support for VIMAGE. Firewall Manager has been redesigned to use IPFW and its UI has been simplified to make it easier to use.
- The “Scrub schedule” screen has been added to the Life Preserver setup wizard and the Life Preserver “Configure” screen.
- The “Enable Offsite Backups” option has been added to the “File” menu of Life Preserver. This provides a wizard for configuring backups which are stored encrypted on a remote system.
- Life Preserver now does per-dataset replication rather than recursive replication. This change allows dataset exclusions and prepares the utility for resumable ZFS send/receive, once the FreeBSD version of OpenZFS supports this feature. This also makes replication more fault-tolerant, as it can restart from the specific dataset which was halted.
- The “Re-Initialize Replications” option has been added to the “Snapshots” menu of Life Preserver.
- The lpreserver-host-iscsi script has been added for configuring Configuring Encrypted Backups. This new functionality provides an extra measure of security to replicated backups by adding support for fully-encrypted backups, using stunnel and GELI-backed iSCSI volumes. This means that the data stored on the remote side is encrypted and only accessibly with the key file stored on the PC-BSD(R) client.
- The ability for Restoring the Operating System from an encrypted backup has been added.
- The “AppCafe” and “Check for Updates” buttons have been removed from the “Tools” tab of Warden(R) as AppCafe(R) is used for Managing Software in Jails and jail updates are managed using Update Manager.
Last modified: 2015-07-22
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