1.2 10.0.2での新しい特徴
1.2 What's New in 10.0.2
以下の機能や拡張が、PC-BSD(R) 10.0.2で導入されました。
- FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE-p6ベースになりました。
- 主なソフトウエアバージョンは次のとおりです: Samba 4.1.7, KDE 4.12.5, GNOME 3.12, Cinnamon 2.2.3, PulseAudio 5.0.
- ベースシステムにVagrant
- PC-BSD(R)で使われている、拡張されZFSとブート環境のために必要なバグ修正をおこなうようにカスタマイズされたバージョンのGRUBが、sysutils/grub2-pcbsd portsになりました。
- Windows8の自動認識が追加されたので、既存のインストールは自動的にブートメニューに追加されます。
- PBIシステムがPBIngに更新されました。このブログへの投稿
- 現在、PC-BSD(R)グラフィカルユーティリティが、ショートカットやホットキーの利便性を向上するために標準インタフェースガイドライン
- OSのメジャーバージョンとの更新のための手順が更新されました。このシステム更新ツールは全てのインストールされたPBIとパッケージの一覧を作成し、ダウンロードし、新しいOSのためにISOイメージをインストールし、インストールされているソフトウエアを再インストールし、再インストールできなかったPBIやパッケージのような更新のどんな潜在的な問題を診断するために使われる作業要約ファイルを生成します。PBIを再インストールしている時に、更新ツールはどのユーザがどのPBIをインストールしているかを調べ、そのユーザで再インストールします。カスタムされた3段階のマージユーティリティが、/etcディレクトリの設定ファイル更新を扱います。
- 現在、PC-BSD(R)は、Update Managerを使ってシステム更新やアップグレードを適用する前や、AppCafe(R)
- 暗号化されたswapがデフォルトで全てのインストールで有効化されています。
- 現在、LZ4圧縮が、ZFSルートデータセットで有効になっています。
- BSDライセンスのデスクトップであるLumina
- GNOMEデスクトップがインストーラでオプションとなり、AppCafe(R)
でGNOME2とGNOME3の両方をインストールします。ログイン時に、ユーザは、GNOME2でログインするためにGNOME ClassicをGNOME3でログインするためにGNOMEを選択できます。
- 現在、グラフィカルなインストーラから、簡単にSystem Utilities Menu
- XBMCメタパッケージがインストーラから削除されました。“pcbsd-meta-xbmc”パッケージが pkg addやAppCafe(R)
の“raw package”としてインストールできます。
- 現在、Disk Selection Screen
- 現在、Disk Selection Screen
- テキストベースのインストーラのSystem Utilitiy
- Control Panel
- 現在、Package ManagerとUpdateCenterは、その機能がAppCafe(R)
- PRODUCTIONとEDGEパッケージ集合を選択するための能力が、System ManagerのMiscタブからAppCafe(R)のConfigureメニュー
The following features or enhancements were introduced for PC-BSD(R) 10.0.2:
- Based on FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE-p6.
- Major software versions include: Samba 4.1.7, KDE 4.12.5, GNOME 3.12, Cinnamon 2.2.3, and PulseAudio 5.0.
- Vagrant has been added to the basesystem.
- The customized version of GRUB used by PC-BSD(R) has been ported to sysutils/grub2-pcbsd, which includes enhancements and bug fixes needed for ZFS and boot environments.
- Auto-detection for Windows8 has been added, so an existing installation should be automatically added to the boot menu.
- The PBI system has been updated to PBIng. This blog post provides an overview of the new design. If the old PBI system is detected on an upgraded system, the first time a user runs the new AppCafe(R), it will prompt to migrate to the new format.
- The PC-BSD(R) graphical utilities now use a standardized interface guidelines that includes shortcut and hot keys to improve accessibility.
- The process for upgrading the operationg system between major versions has been improved. The system updater builds a list of all installed PBIs and packages, downloads and installs the ISO for the new operating system, reinstalls the list of installed software, and generates a summary file which can be used afterwards to diagnose any potential problems with the upgrade, such as PBIs or packages which could not be reinstalled. When reinstalling PBIs, the updater checks to see which user installed each PBI and reinstalls as that user. A custom three-way merge utility is used to handle updates to configuration files in /etc.
- PC-BSD(R) now automatically creates a boot environment before applying a system update or upgrading the operating system using Update Manager or before upgrading any software using AppCafe(R).
- Encrypted swap is enabled by default on all new installations.
- LZ4 compression is now enabled on the ZFS root dataset.
- Lumina, a BSD-licensed desktop, has been added. This blog post provides an overview of the design of this desktop.
- The “GNOME” desktop option in the install errand in AppCafe(R) installs both GNOME2 and GNOME3. During login, the user can select “GNOME Classic” to log into GNOME2 and “GNOME” to log into GNOME3.
- The installer now includes an emergency shell icon for easy access to the System Utilities Menu from within the graphical installer.
- The XBMC meta-package has been removed from the installer. The “pcbsd-meta-xbmc” package can be installed afterwards using pkg add or as a “raw package” in AppCafe(R).
- The DiskSelectionScreen now provides an option to select a cache and a log device during installation.
- The Disk Selection Screen now provides an installation option which supports the creation of GELI backed full-disk encrypted installs, without a non-encrypted /boot partition. Boot environments are supported on full-disk encrypted setups, a first for open source. This option requires the BIOS to understand GPT partitioning.
- TheabilitytoimportanexistingZFSpoolhasbeenaddedtotheSystemUtilitiesmenuofthetext-based installer.
- Control Panel has been updated. Desktop selector now includes an option to only show the utilities that came with the operating system.
- PackageManager and UpdateCenter have been removed from ControlPanel as this functionality is now provided in AppCafe(R). pc-metapkgmanager has also been removed as packages can be managed using either AppCafe(R) or pkg.
- The ability to choose between PRODUCTION and EDGE package sets has been moved from the Misc tab of System Manager to the Configure menu of AppCafe(R).
- Many new features have been added to AppCafe(R), including the ability to manage PBIs, packages, and meta-packages for both the local system and jails in one interface. The information about a highlighted PBI includes screenshots, available plugins, similar applications, and a list of the build options that were used for building the PBI. Each PBI has a user rating and an associated wiki page where users can add their own rating and user tips.
- The pbi_addrepo, pbi_autobuild, pbi_browser, pbi_create, pbi_deleterepo, pbi_indextool, pbi_listrepo, pbi_makepatch, pbi_makeport, pbi_makerepo, pbi_metatool, pbi_patch, pbi_update, pbi_update_hashdir, and pbid commands are now deprecated and have been removed, along with their associated man pages.
- The pbi_makeind expand pbi_update index commands have been added to PBIManager.
- EasyPBI has been updated to version 2.4.1. This version converts pkgNG packages to the new PBIng format. A new Bulk Module Creator has been added which allows the user to automatically build a PBI module for every package in a category, making it easier to create a custom PBI repository.
- Boot Manager now has a “Maximum auto-generated boot environments” setting with a default value of 5. Once the configured maximum number of boot environments is reached, PC-BSD(R) will automatically prune (delete) the oldest automatically created boot environment. However, it will not delete any boot environments you create manually.
- LoginManager has two new options. One can be used to configure the login time delay and the other to force the login user to type in their username.
- MountTray has been updated. If a device has an unknown file systema"?" will appear inits device icon and a dialog will ask which filesystem to use when mounting the device. If a device has a permissions error when mounting, a yellow shield will appear in its device icon and a dialog will ask the user to mount the device as with pc-su. Due to a bug in FreeBSD's mount_ntfs when the localization flag is used, the first FAT device to get mounted after system bootup will require root permissions, while subsequent FAT devices will only need user permissions. NTFS filesystems always need root permissions to mount. Mount Tray will now detect audio CDs and video DVDs and prompt the user to choose an application to read the disk, where UMPlayer is the default application. Support for the UDF format has been added.
- PC-BSD(R) now provides full PulseAudio support. The “PulseAudio Configuration” and “PulseAudio Mixer” utilities have been added to Control Panel. In addition, system tray now contains pc-mixer which provides a front-end to mixer, Sound Configuration, and the two PulseAudio utilities.
- LifePreserver now defaults to “Automatic” which creates a snapshot every 5 minutes,which are kept for an hour, then the hourly is kept for 24 hours, the daily is kept for a month, and the monthly is kept for a year. In addition, if the capacity of the ZFS pool falls below 70%, the oldest snapshot will be auto- pruned.
- Exclude scan now be defined in the ClassicBackupsMenu of LifePreserver.
Last modified: 2014-07-18
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