- Who is むとうたけし (MUTOH Takeshi)?
- I am interested in ...
- Kansai * BSD Users Group (K*BUG)
- What is Scratch?
- What is Scratch?
- Scratch 1.4: old release
- How to play
- /usr/share/scratch is hard coded at Scratch.image
- Scratch Remote Sensor Protocol
- Demo at booth
- Scratch 2: current
- Scratch 2: current
- How to play
- Scratch 3: future
- Scratch 3: future
- How to play
- Future works
むとうたけし(MUTOH Takeshi)@Kansai * BSD Users Group (@610t)
Who is むとうたけし (MUTOH Takeshi)?
- House keeper
- 610t: "無糖ティ (MUTOU-TEE)" means "tea without sugar".
I am interested in ...
- BSD OS: FreeBSD (PR), OpenBSD, NetBSD, (macOS?)
- Education: Scratch, Squeak, ...
- Long long time ago, I was teacher at NNCT and Nara def school
- Smalltalk: Squeak, Pharo, Seaside, VisualWorks...
- Some port maintainer: lang/squeak, ...
Kansai * BSD Users Group (K*BUG)
- K*BUG is Kansai regional BSD Users Group.
- Of cource, welcome from anywhere!!

(c) OpenStreetMap
What is Scratch?

Scratch 1.4
What is Scratch?
- Block based programing language for educational purpose.
- Message passing, Object Oriented, parrallel, asynchronous
- Communicate with physical world: SensorBoard, Remote Sensor, WeDo, ...
Scratch 1.4: old release
- Based on Squeak 2.8 (Smalltalk).
How to play
- Install {graphics,lang}/scratch
- FreeBSD lang/scratch: send-pr 216811
/usr/share/scratch is hard coded at Scratch.image
- Work around: sybolic link from /usr/share/scratch to ${PREFIX}/share/scratch
% ln -s /usr/local/share/scratch /usr/share/scratch
Scratch Remote Sensor Protocol
- Remote Sensors Protocol can use only Scratch 1.4.
- Very simple protocol using TCP/42001
- 2 messages
- broadcast msg: send msg to every node
- sensor-update var1 val1 ... : global variable update
Demo at booth
Scratch 2: current

Scratch 2
Scratch 2: current
- Web browser based on Flash.
How to play
- Install flash plugin for your web browser.
- Access to
Scratch 3: future

Scratch 3
Scratch 3: future
- Based on Node.js.
How to play
- Detail: How to run Scratch 3 on FreeBSD
- Install Node.js environment including npm command.
- Get squak-vm source from github
% git clone
- Install Javascrpit libraries. Ignore errors.
% cd squeak-vm % sudo npm install
- Run server and access
% npm start
Future works
- CogVM : New squeak virtual machine with JIT.
- Split image and squeak virtual machine at FreeBSD port.
- Port WeDo 1.0 plugin for Scratch 1.4.
Last modified: 2017-03-12
Post-it: New Post-it (help)