Function | Attach file function
You can use attach files onto pages.
Attach files to a page
You can attach files to a page. At the first, go to the edit page. You see attach file form on the bottom of the edit page. You can attach several files at once by following 'attach many' link.
If you attached files, the system automatically added file plugin to the page.
So that you can see the link to the attached file from the page.
Show files
Functions list
- PluginDiary | Diary plugin
- You can create a diary page.
- PluginDiary_ja | 日記プラグイン
- 日記ページを作ります。
- album | Album plugin
- Show attached images in a window.
- backup | Show Backup pages
- You can see backup files.
- basic | Basic plugins
- Simple and Basic plugins.
- calc | Calicurator plugin
- You can sum numbers by simple table.
- christel | Takigawa Christel plugin
- You can embed Takigawa Christel image.
- chronology | Chronology of site
- You can see when the pages are created and updated.
- comment | Comment plugin
- You can show comment field.
- counter | Counter plugin
- You can show a conter for the page.
- describe | Description of functions
- You can see the description of each functions of qwikWeb.
- embed_html | Embed HTML plugin
- You can embed bare HTML in the page.
- files | Attach file function
- You can use attach files onto pages.
- graphviz | Graphviz plugin
- You can make a graph.
- include | Include plugin
- You can include other page.
- list | List editing plugin
- You can edit a list in the page.
- member | Member control function
- Member control.
- menu | Menu plugin
- You can show a pull down menu.
- monta | Monta method plugin
- You can hide a part of text by using JavaScript.
- password | Set password plugin
- You can lock a page by a password.
- plan | Sharing plan plugin
- You can show the plan of the site.
- presen | Presentaion plugin
- You can show the page in presentation mode.
- qrcode | QR-Code plugin
- You can input QR-Code to the page.
- qwikweb | qwikWeb functions
- You can see brief descriptions of qwikWeb functions.
- sample | Sample plugins
- These are sample plugins.
- schedule | Input your scuedule plugin
- You can input your schedule.
- search | Search plugin
- You can show a search form.
- secdb | Show a table of each section data
- You can create a table from data embedded as CSV format in each section.
- sitelog | Show SiteLog
- You can see sitelog of this site.
- smil | Video editing plugin
- You can control the timeline of the video.
- style | Style plugin
- You can specify styles of the page.
- summary | Show summary of a target page
- You can include summary of target page.
- table | Table edit plugin
- You can edit a table in the page.
- takahashi | Takahashi method plugin
- You can do your presentaion in Takahashi method.
- textarea | Textarea plugin
- You can show a simple textarea field.
- textformat | TextFormat
- You can see the text format of qwikWeb.
- textformat_simple | TextFormat
- You can see brief description of text format.
- theme_list | Theme list
- You can see theme list.
- typekey | TypeKey login
- You can login by using TypeKey authentication.
- webservice | Web service plugins
- You can use several external Web services.
- wema | Post-it plugin
- You can put post-it notes on the page.
- wysiwyg | WYSIWYG editing mode
- You can edit a page in wysiwyg mode.
Last modified: 2009-10-03
Post-it: New Post-it (help)